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Oficjalny portal miasta Bierunia

Urząd Miasta Bieruń

Panorama miasta Bieruń

Urząd Miasta Bierunia


The Great Pond of Bieruń

The Great Pond of Bieruń originated in the 16th century and was located between Bieruń, Ściernie and Lędziny. Its area extended over 600 ha and its depth reached three metres. It was the largest reservoir of this type in Silesia. Fish farming here was one of the main sources of income of the Duchy of Pszczyna for many years. The pond was drained around 1825.


The beginnings of the Grobel can be traced back to the 1630s and 1640s when, on the order of the lord of Pszczyna, John VI Turzo, an almost three-kilometre-long earthen rampart, five metres high and 18 metres wide, was built on the eastern edge of the town to protect the buildings and inhabitants from the surging waters of the Great Pond of Bieruń. The construction of this structure was carried out in accordance with the principlesmof engineering - the ground under the dyke was cleared of any wood that might, in time, unseal the dyke, and the sides were reinforced with wicker and turf. In addition, drainage and irrigation mechanisms.

The dyke is considered a monument of earthworks engineering and the second, after the Mound, monument of history in the Bieruń area. The footbridge, built in 2006 to connect the embankment divided in the last century for the benefit of the road, complements the present-day appearance of the dyke, in a way constituting the entrance gate to the city.

Currently, there is a didactic path on the dyke, recalling the most important historical and legendary data related to this place.

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