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Oficjalny portal miasta Bierunia

Bieruń Świąteczny

Bieruń Świąteczny


ENG - Railway station building

History of railway in Bieruń

By a decree of August 11, 1843, the Prussian government granted the "Upper-Silesia Railway" company [Polish name: Kolej Górnośląska] a permit to build a single-track Mysłowice-Nowy Bieruń railway line. The construction was started in 1857 and it was completed on June 25, 1859. On that day, the first train to Mysłowice departed from here. Another track of this line was constructed in 1911-1915. A single-track railway connection between Nowy Bieruń in Prussia and Oświęcim in Galicia was completed on March 16, 1863. It was the last section of the Berlin railway line.

The stop served as a border station between Prussia and Austria. It played an important civilization role for the area. At that time the neighbouring towns such as Bieruń, Pszczyna and Mikołów did not have any railway connection.


Railway station building

The building was put into service in 1859 when the railway line to Mysłowice was commissioned. The railway station housed: a post for border customs clearance between Prussia and Austria, a military police post, a ticket office and a waiting room. There was also a restaurant for travellers in the building.


Volunteer Fire Department station nearby

The Volunteer Fire Department in Bieruń was established in 1925. The fire station in 19 Remizowa Street was built in 1933-1934. In the following years, the building was modernized, an underground water tank and garages were built.

"Remiza” Regional Cultural and Economic Centre was put into service in 1995 - it is a community centre building used by the Bieruń Culture Centre established in 1992.

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